Jerky News Archive

Finally… Jerky Infused Gin
If you’re a gin fan, normally you’d expect your favourite drop to be infused with some delicate botanicals. You probably wouldn’t expect, or even want, your gin to be infused with… meat. But that’s exactly what London bar has done, and it’s all in celebration of World Gin

Brisbane BBQ Festival
Grab some jerky along with BBQ goodness at the Brisbane Showgrounds, July 2

Beef Jerky at the Toowoomba Man Date Festival
Beef lovers in Toowomba can look forward to the first ever celebration of the Man Date Festival, set for April 16 at the Mort Estate Hotel. The Man Date festival is a celebration of all things beef, beer, beards and so much more. The festival will feature

Is Beef Jerky Healthy? The Truth is Finally Revealed
If you’ve ever wondered if beef jerky was a healthy snack or not, then look no further because after doing several hours of research I have finally found the answer. But first let me explain a bit more about how beef jerky stated… In case for some

USA Celebrates National Jerky Day
Australia could do with a day like this – Jerky Day, observed in the USA on June 12, gives jerky fans an opportunity to honour all things Jerky. It may be an unofficial holiday – created by Jack Link’s as a promotional tool – but that doesn’t make the holiday

Chinese Companies caught out producing beef-free beef jerky
The beef jerky marketed under the brand name Yisi was discovered to contain no beef whatsoever when Guanghzou inspectors found little protein content and almost no meat in product samples. The “jerky” was being produced by Ruian Lianxi Food, Ruian Chengjia Food and Guangzhou Siwei Food, three companies that